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Engaging your Facebook fans with questions.

by | Mar 21, 2012 | Social Media Marketing

Social media can be a great tool to market and engage with your customers, if you can draw them in and get them talking. Sometimes this can be a bit difficult if you don’t know what it is customers are looking for, but here is a great tip, open ended questions! Open ended questions encourage your fans to respond and interact, and keep coming back. Here is a few ways to do this…

…No Homework!

First and foremost, customers most likely will skip over questions that require a lot of time and energy, so stick to questions that are easy to answer. They can be generic such as, “Are you staying home or traveling for the holiday?”, or edgy, getting your fans to think about what’s going on around them, such as, “ Do you live near a nuclear power plant?”

…Being aware of the community.

Edgy questions are likely to get your customers talking, especially if it might be something controversial that’s happening in your area, but they don’t have to be. Providing information about community news and then asking for feedback also encourages your fans to take a minute to read and respond.  This can be something simple as recordings of the first snow, or the amount of rain after a dry spell!

…Re-cap on your events.

You’ve promoted an event, you got a good turn out, and you made sales, now talk about it. Throw up a post that encourages those that attended to talk about their favorite moments, or the sale they thought had the best value. Not only is this great feedback for future events, but this also gets the word out to other fans as well.

Last, but not least, timely, thoughtful responses.

You’ve got them talking, great! Now don’t forget to reward that time and energy with acknowledgement. Thoughtful responses to comments will keep your fans coming back again, and again.

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