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Why Backlinks are Essential to a Successful Website

by | Oct 5, 2021 | Blog, Marketing, NMR Minute Tips, Search Engine Optimization, Seo, Videos

Video Transcript


Why Backlinks are Essential to a Successful Website

Hello everyone. Thanks so much for joining me today. My name is Francesca and I am back with another quick marketing tip. Now let’s talk about search engine optimization, sometimes otherwise known as SEO. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming. Google is constantly changing things and I get that, but let’s focus on just a quick marketing tip today that will be easy for you to execute on.

Backlinks to your website is something that Google actually takes really seriously.

It says to Google “hey, my website is worthy of someone linking to it”. So what can you do? Reach out to your top six to ten manufacturers, see if they have a dealer locator on their website and see if your website could be added there. It’s a great easy way to create some authentic relevant backlinks to your website, and one that will not take you a ton of time.

So that’s it. Of course there are many places you could add a backlink to your website but you really want to keep in mind to make sure that you’re only reaching out to relevant sources, otherwise Google will see that as a spam tactic and see right through it.

That’s it, that’s your tip for today. Please be sure to check back soon for more marketing tips. Thanks so much!

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