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My ad is disapproved. What does that mean and how does NMR fix it?

by | Mar 1, 2019 | Google Ads

Search Ads

Lots of things trigger Google’s search ad disapproval system. Sometimes, Google mistakenly identifies trademarked words and phrases within ad text. Other times, its bots crawl a landing page and find it to be temporarily not working. It might think you’re selling banned items or using inappropriate language. To fix these warnings you need to make edits to the ads and resubmit them to Google. As part of our Google Ads services your Digital Ads Specialist does this regularly. The NMR team receives disapproved ad notifications. If you happen to get an email about a disapproved ads, don’t worry, we’re already on it!

Shopping Ads

Google will regularly flag products as disapproved. Often will disapprove products in large batches. Miscategorized products or the use of gimmicky language, like best or free, may trigger disapproval. In order to appeal ads that received disapproval, our Google Ad Specialist will manually change product categories and resubmit the product for review.

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