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Mobile Brought Email Back to Life

by | Aug 25, 2016 | Email Address Builder

It’s not a secret that over the past few years a majority of conversations have been directed towards social media. Email has taken a back seat in a big way, but as mobile use continues to increase so has conversations around email marketing. Reading email has been a top activity on smart phones for a long time, so it makes sense the two would go hand in hand. Now that responsive email designs are available, you can design and brand emails to look professional and be optimized for your consumers who are checking out your emails on the go.

Social media and email marketing will always continue to serve two separate functions for a business, so the two are never meant to compete. But as with any shiny new object, social media has been front and center over the past few years. Email has quietly been in the background, but it’s back in a big way – and guess what? Email marketing is cool again!

We’re seeing email open rates regularly above 50% coming from smartphone users, which is great! Customers can access your email on the go so it’s important to make sure your email campaigns are optimized for their devices. Creating emails solely for desktops doesn’t work anymore because you’re designing for an increasingly declining percentage of customers. The problem with designing email campaigns that aren’t responsive is that when your customers receive them on their phone, the text is often very hard to read and the content is hard to navigate. Customers will ultimately ignore this content and probably unsubscribe from your list. Building responsive emails allows you to effectively talk to your customers and encourage them to interact with you and drive traffic back to the website.

If you’re interested in making sure your emails are responsive, connect with your Marketing Specialist today!

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