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Reaching out at the Register

by | Jun 15, 2012 | Email Address Builder

Talking to your customers is a great opportunity to promote your email newsletters. This is a strategy that should be encouraged in each of your employees. Here’s why…

Getting your employees to talk to your customers, first and foremost, boosts your customer service. While this seems like a no brain-er, it is something that many employees need to be reminded of. The more comfortable your employees become talking to customers, the more you can utilize them as a tool to promote several areas of your business, like building your email address list.

One of the ways to do this is to create a script for each employee at the register. While a register script can often be tedious for employees, it will become easier with repetition, and the more comfortable they become talking to customers. Speaking from personal experience, this can also inspire some laughs, and build a better rapport with all parties involved.

Creating a script that prompts customers for their email address, is cheap and simple. It never hurts to ask for information, and incorporating other simple promotions such as “Simple as a Snickers”* offers a little something extra to encourage your customer. A script should also include what the newsletter has to offer, such as coupons and specials.

Really, there should be no limit to what your employees talk about at the register; it is a tool that should be utilized, and talk is cheap, but priceless.

*For more information see our blog “Simple as a Snickers”

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